Dear Reader,
This is Abitari and we are pleased to announce our new software revolutionizing the hotel industry.
At Abitar we are sick of seeing guests waiting in line at peak hours. Sick of seeing hotels wasting their precious resources on overnight staff watching movies all night to complete the few remaining Check-ins. This misery has to come to an end and Abitari is here to help!
Abitari wants to make digitalization available to all kinds of hotels. You don’t have to spend 15.000€ or more to get a Check-in Kiosk to satisfy your guest's needs. You don’t have to risk big investments, not knowing if people are actually going to use automated Check-ins. Breathe in and breath out and make sure you don’t fall of you chair. Abitari might be the hero you need in times, where everyone is talking about digitalization and automatization, yet not many can actually afford it.
Enough with the mysterious talking. This is what Abitari does and this is why you might like them. With Abitari’s software you can turn the hardware, that you already have into a fully functioning automated Check-in Kiosk for less than 100€/month. What hardware is the author talking about, you might ask. -The answer will surprise you. Owning a single tablet is required to be eligible for a hotel Check-in kiosk, which can be installed within a matter of minutes.
Just download the app, connect the devices and voilá, you’re all set! If you are not sure if you can trust Abitari, do not worry at all. Abitari has free trials so you can see for yourself, if our solution satisfies your requirements. Also there is no commercial obligation whatsoever. At any point you can decide to stop the contract, not losing anything but the 5 minutes to install Abitari.
Before going to much into detail, I want to point out that this letter is supposed to be a PR-Statement, not an add so please feel free to go to our webpage (www.abitari.com) to find out more about Abitari’s products.
Writing a PR-Statement it is necessary to talk about the founders, the team and the Idea but do not worry I will keep it short and spicy.
Abitari was found in 2016 by Ivan and Eloi. The ambitious founders had realized that digitalization was happening everywhere but they also saw that hotels often couldn’t benefit from it, as their budgets were tight and every hand was needed to guarantee that operations were done in the right manner. Someone had to help these hoteliers, dedicating day and night to their beloved businesses. It all started with a housekeeping app enabling to reduce communication efforts between supervisor and staff. Abitaris story wouldn’t stop there. After an intensive market research the focus was changed towards a cheap but high-quality Check-in solution, a product the market had been silently demanded for years. We have finally entered the market with our new product, the team is growing and sales are going up. Abitari’s story has just begun and the future is looking bright…